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Divergent Recovery Center Inc. serves the needs of Athens-Clarke county by providing a safe home for women living with substance abuse disorders. We provide the necessary resources to help residents build a solid foundation for a new life, one free from both the bondage of addiction, and the burden of living with untreated comorbidities that may have hindered their previous attempts at recovery. Established in 2022 Founder & CEO Paula Montgomery and Billy Mounce, have created a safe place for women to achieve their dreams of becoming productive members of society and living clean & free from substance abuse.


Offering opportunities for a new life while using a comprehensive plan of recovery for women suffering from substance abuse disorder and untreated mental illness by providing a safe and structured living environment. Stability, Structure, and Support help women gain access to the resources needed in order to live in healthy recovery environment and achieve long term success. We offer each resident the freedom and encouragement to explore any avenue of spirituality they choose, building courage and initiative to make use of all resources available to them, so they can live in a way that they never have before.

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Divergent Recovery Center will provide a plan of recovery for women suffering from substance use disorder and untreated mental illness or trauma, by offering a safe and structured living environment where they have access to the resources they need in order to live in healthy recovery.




At Divergent Recovery Center we help women find the stability, structure, and the support needed to be free from alcoholism and addiction.

We provide information on available resources in our area to seek mental health relief and services.

We are grateful to give back to our communities and provide a pathway for you to help too!

Paula Thornton



Paula's Testimony

Seven years ago, I was one of those women; drug addicted, and of no good use to anyone. It was a residential program, that took me in and saved my life by showing me how to live clean and be useful to God and other people.


I learned how to be a mama that my kids are proud of and a daughter my parents don’t have to stay up at night worrying about. My dark past has put me in a position to be uniquely useful to women who are searching for a change. I lead them by example and share with them the wisdom I have learned along the way. 


I took that mess and created a message at Divergent Recovery Center because YOU MATTER!! They watch me and I stay transparent so they can see behind the curtain, what real life looks like when we just ask for help and accept the help that’s given.


Miracles happen!



Becoming Divergent Recovery Center

Searching all of my life for my calling, I finally found it when I broke down and surrendered admitted that I was powerless over my addition of opiates and my life had become unmanageable.


In February 2021, I was arrested and was mandated to treatment. It was then that I affirmed that would be the last time in my life I would be arrested! I graduated from a center that was very well structured. Upon graduation, I learned that I was the first woman of color that had graduated from the center! It was at that moment, I knew that this was my calling.

That was the moment Divergent Recovery Center was conceived and was put in motion. I didn’t know anything about starting a non-profit organization. There were many strong women with lots of clean time that held my hand through this whole process and have led me to success. 

My vision is to help as many women as we can; no matter what race, age, creed, or background. Whatever obstacles you are facing, we are determined to help. I have met so many women like me and I have had the opportunity to help so many along the way and many have helped me grow in my journey.


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